Indonesia coffee production outlook 2015-2016

Indonesia coffee production outlook 2015-2016 : Indonesia’s coffee production may hit a record high in the 2015-2016 harvest season according to a Bloomberg survey. The survey suggests that Indonesian coffee output is to rise 18 percent (y/y) to 650,000 metric tons from 550,000 tons in the previous season. Reason for a good coffee harvest is favorable weather (rain) having boosted yields. Indonesia is the world’s third-largest producer and exporter of robusta. Also in other parts of the world coffee production is estimated to increase, hence potentially placing pressure on prices.

The global coffee supply is expected to increase this year amid forecasts of good harvests in Indonesia, Vietnam (the world’s largest robusta producer), and Brazil (the world’s second-largest robusta producer and top arabica producer). In 2015-2016 the global harvest is forecast to grow 7 percent to 152.8 million (60-kilogram) bags.

Exports of robusta coffee beans from Lampung in June 2015 reached 21 890 tons, valued at 37 million US dollars, an increase compared to the month lalu.Pada June, Lampung coffee export value reached 14 539 tons worth 25.24 million US dollars, exports of robusta coffee beans Lampung continues ongoing and likely to rise. Moreover, the center of a coffee plantation in the area being harvested.

Entering the start of the second half of 2015, Indonesia's coffee exports to Taiwan increased 33 percent to US $ 10 million. In the same period last year, coffee exports to Taiwan only US $ 7.6 million.

Country of Lampung's coffee exports, among others, Algeria, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Morocco, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, UK , South Africa, Romania, Iran, USA, and Sweden.Meanwhile, the coffee harvest in a number of centers, especially coffee plantation in West Lampung is expected to rise 40 percent compared to last year's season.

Coffee harvest this year rose about 40 percent when compared to last year's season. Last year's coffee harvest an average of 1.2 tons per hectare, this year's harvest volume average of about 1.2 tons / ha. Not only yields increase, the price of coffee beans underwent a change.

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