Indonesia will expand the areas under cultivation of coffee and cocoa

coffee news -Indonesia will expand the areas under cultivation of coffee and cocoa :  The government has continued to pursue the expansion of areas under cultivation of coffee and cocoa in the country. The effort was deliberately done in order to boost productivity in both the plantation sector. "In the past efforts to increase crop productivity of coffee and cocoa is based solely on areas which are centers of crop coffee and cocoa as Sulawesi. But now, the focus is no longer only in central Sulawesi, but spread in many places such as Sumatra, Java, and NTT," said Muhammad Shakir as Head of Research and Development of Agriculture (Balitbangtan), Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture), Sunday (8/11), in Jakarta.

Shakir also said that the expansion of areas under cultivation of coffee and cocoa is a real sign of the government's high attention to the agricultural sector, in particular to increase the production of coffee and cocoa. Meanwhile, related to the high market demand for coffee and cocoa homeland, he added, because the type of coffee and cocoa produced in Indoneaia has its own advantages not shared by coffees from other countries.

"Coffee and cocoa we produce is unique and advantages when compared to coffee and cocoa are produced from a number of other countries. The specificity flavors of coffee and cocoa us difficult to be imitated by other countries. Because in the process of growth is supported by genetic factors are quite high, special ecosystems, and climate are also typical, "he said.

Therefore, Shakir hope, coffee and cocoa from Indonesia in the near future have its own trend with superiority. Meanwhile, as for the market will be the target of the coffee and cocoa commodity homeland, including Algeria, the Middle East Region, Europe, and the United Kingdom.

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